Of course, Germany's tiniest airfield is noted in the official (ICAO) maps. Though the runway is not suitable for jumbo jets and aircrafts of similar size, small sports aircrafts can in fact take
off and land here. All in consultation with the owner. It is precisely a special purpose airfield.
The page "Hamburg" (where the card section is from – year 2000) states 590 m for the runway length. For whom this seems to be little, rest assured: to the next fence, which is only 1,5 m high, it's another 60 metres...
The airport information service is at frequence 126,285 MHz.
When you are already here and like to top your holiday with a flight over Fehmarn you easily reach the airfield by car or even by bike.
Fehmarn Air
Neujellingsdorf / Fehmarn
Telephone: +49 171 99 109 31
Email: k.skerra@t-online.de
Web: www.fehmarn-air.de